Camosun College vs Langara College

Camosun College is a public college located in Saanich, British Columbia, Canada. Langara College is a public degree-granting college in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Overview Comparison
Camosun CollegeLangara College
ProgramsUG Programs -38
UG Programs -38
Acceptance Rate80.0 %85.0 %
Exam ScoreIELTS-6
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   10920
[For UG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 14850 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees   13275
[For UG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 800 Per Year
placement (average package)

Camosun college provides the students co-op opportunities through which they can work while learning. The graduates earn an average of CAD$ 53,164. 

Langara College provides a cooperative education program for courses, allowing students to earn and gain work experience while studying. It also provides internship opportunities to students through its network of companies.

Students can log in to the C3 Job board, an online career management system that helps them look for suitable jobs. The college furthermore offers support by providing resume templates, interview practice, and more. They feature a job board where students may search for full- or part-time employment. The following are the average salaries of graduates in different job positions:

  • Business Manager - CAD 72,065 per year
  • Web Designer - CAD 52,072 per year03
  • Mobile Application Developer - CAD 71,000 per year
  • Marketing Manager - CAD 66,184 per year
  • Biologist - CAD 58,551 per year

application requirements

Applicants should submit official transcripts of all previous education

Submit English langauge proficiency test scores

Students should complete program specific requirements

Students should have completed higher secondary or university level education

Submit English language proficiency test scores

Check program specific requirements

CollegeDunia Reviews8.3/10 Read 1 reviews7.2/10 Read 8 reviews
General Facts Comparison
General FactsCamosun CollegeLangara College
Type of UniversityCollege
Student:Faculty Ratio37:1
Male:Female51% Male, 49% Female45% Male, 54% Female
Location Facts

Camosun College is located in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia with campuses on the Traditional Territories of the Lekwungen and W?SÁNE? peoples.

Located between Main Street and Cambie Street, most Langara programs and courses are held at the main campus. Our beautiful campus is located along the Ontario bike lane and just a few minutes walk from Langara-49th Ave Canada Line station.


Camosun college provides various facilities at the library like access to citations, journals, research guides and other databases. 

Langara Library is at the heart of a vibrant, engaging and exciting educational experience, and an essential contributor to academic excellence – a progressive academic library, fully integrated with the teaching, learning and research at Langara College.

The collection supports the research needs of Langara College students and the college community in general. The building provides individual, silent, and group study options, as well as computers, wireless access, computer labs and printing facilities. Help with research is available in person, or by text messaging, chat, email or phone.

Langara's Learning Commons is on the first floor of the Library, featuring an expanded and enhanced work and study space, technology-enhanced tables to enable sharing of content on mobile devices such as laptops, a flexible tutoring space (Writing Centre and subject peer tutoring), and a streamlined library service point. 

The LEED Canada Gold Certified Library/Classroom Building features a unique energy-efficient design. It has captured national and international attention for its environmentally progressive features and is a landmark on campus and in the community.

Campus Life

Camosun college offers wide range of support and services to the students on campus. Services includes counselling, fitness centers, health and dental plan, computer labs. career labs. Students also get access to career supporting facilities and employment opportunities.  Other services include athletic therapy clinic, dental hygiene clinic, transportation and dining facilties. 

  • At the start of the term students are welcomed to Langara and connected to campus resources with a series of events, giveaways, snacks, and entertainment.
  • One of the best ways to meet people is to join a club. There are dozens of clubs from animé to languages, or business to culture, for you to join. And if you can’t find one, talk to them at the Hub about starting something new.
  • Be empowered to contribute to Langara and to our surrounding community through volunteerism with Langara’s VOLT Volunteer program. Over 3,500 students have participated in this popular student-driven volunteer program. It is rare to have an event on campus without an orange VOLT t-shirt in sight.
  • Langara’s Global Volunteers support cultural events, international student orientation, and ongoing activities to deepen a shared cultural connection between students on campus.
  • Do you love theatre? Enjoy outstanding productions each year from our Theatre Arts program, Studio 58.
  • Student Ambassadors lead projects to help educate the community on sustainable practices such as proper recycling

Hostel#Homestay without Meal Plan - $6300
#Homestay with Meal Plan - $8550
#Homestay Rent/month - $800
Famous Alumni

AP Dhillion (Indian-Canadian singer), Barry Pepper (Canadian actor), Daniel Diemer (Canadian actor), Aliyah O’ Brien (Canadian actor)

  • Dustin Anderson 
  • Tim Stevenson 
  • Charlene Taylor 
  • Charlene Seward 
  • Wendy Long 
  • David Robinson 
  • Letitia Rose 
  • Brittany Whitmore 
  • Leslie Cliffe

City Life

British Columbia's capital city is a great place to live while enjoying the mildest climate in Canada. Victoria's downtown is a great place to explore with it's old town charm history and ghost stories with clues of it's history left behind from old Fort Victoria to Canada's oldest China town. Famous attractions like The Royal BC Museum, buskers at the inner harbor, symphony splash, Fisherman's Warf, various festivals and more. he competition for buying a housing, getting a rental, or getting approved for assisted housing is difficult because of the demand for housing. 

Vancouver frequently ranks highly as one of the world’s most livable cities. It was recently ranked as the best city to live in North America.

Its scenic location near the ocean, tucked up against the North Shore mountains, makes living in Vancouver an ideal base for year-round exploration.

The city’s coastline offers amazing views and great beaches, while the mountains offer hiking trails and snow sports. Living in ‘Beautiful British Columbia‘, world-renowned for its natural beauty, is ideal if you have an appreciation for the outdoors with an unemployment rate at 4.40%
