Prabhjyot Kaur#admission
B.Tech Computer Science, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh (2020) • a week ago
Is 60 LPA a good salary for the IT industry with 12+ years experience in Bangalore having both an IIT IIM combination?

Yes, 60 LPA is indeed a pretty decent salary for someone working in the IT industry. In fact, after 12 years do people even work for a salary anymore? I think their work-life needs other factors for motivation. These include your growth in the particular field, your understanding of the recent trends, you are being able to undertake risks successfully, or the recognition of things that might be beneficial for you in the long run. What I mean is after a long period of 12 years your salary is no longer the motivating factor. So instead of looking for a higher salary, focus on your own life and personal growth.

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