For me Holland College was a place like home; with so many other Bahamians and a tuition I and my single mother could afford efficiently. Throughout the years I have had my eyes set on playing basketball at a professional player, playing the shift guard in high school and making national teams with two division 1 scholarships but fate decided different I was hurt not the summer of 2019 with a broken ankle and lost both scholarships to universities and had to fall on my plan B. Holland college to learn the craft of journalism and still further my craft and do sportscasting. I've always appreciated writing.
Course Curriculum
The curriculum I am dealing with right now coming into Holland College encourages diversity and I'm falling in love with that. In the JC class, we have students from every corner of the world bringing into the classroom different views of everything and it vastly improves your notation on things; what we study is what we need to know and it teaches us how to manage our lives ahead of us.
So far from what I've seen, there is a 7:1 student-staff ratio if you look at it from eye view without the facts, I currently study journalism and the teaching staff are tremendous and exciting. There hasn't has been one day I haven't learned something new that I can use in my career and everything taught sticks literally you can apply it to everyday life and see results and you would be amazed on the facts taught; astonished at the fact that you never this and it was right in front of you.
Residence was expensive coming into it but I would recommend if you decide to stay in off campus homes you get one close to schooling, campus accommodation so far work out great for me because you get to meet people and I live right down the hall from most of my friends so if I don?t have something to cook I can just knock and they?ll have it.
My reason for joining this program was and probably is the most different from everyone else but when applying for the program I didn't need much it was easy to get in. I was just required to have a graduate in English Language completed in grade 11/12.
International students this year had to pay and extra fee of $4000 aside from all other fees, that is a hefty fee with a lot of complications and no certain clarity but I guess that's something you have to pay for, unfortunately, I haven't been awarded any scholarships as yet but I have applied for over 5 there are many opportunities for international students including bursaries and scholarships, criteria varies for every scholarship/bursary.
Examination Structure
My course has four practicums and each month we take for each of them. The lectures are taught in order for you to pass the exams and it's easier that way because you learn what you need to know instead of the excess out of the ordinary stuff.