Required Exams for Admission
I had a lot of pressure from my parents to stay in Toronto and go somewhere prestigious. I ended up choosing UofT because of the soccer program, but if I had the option to go out of the city I probably would have opted for a different school.
Course Curriculum
It is really challenging. I feel like the University of Toronto focuses a lot on graduate school and the idea of being prestigious, so they don't care if students don't make it because then they seem more challenging.
Everyone in my program wants to go to medical school and the profs really focus on that and it's really stressful for someone who doesn't want to get into that.
The fee structure is not problematic, at least not for me. I do find it unnecessarily difficult to defer payment for scholarships but it isn't a huge problem for me.
Examination Structure
They don't try to plan the exams well at all. In my program, especially in the first couple of years, everyone takes all the same courses. So knowing that you would think they wouldn't schedule all of those class exams back to back.