When I was in Brazil looking for a opportunities to study in Canada I found a Good referral and services that the Centennial advisors gave to me. It made me think it was a good option, so I decided to go to this college.
Course Curriculum
Some courses and lectures have the same content and make us learn the same thing over and over again.
Until now I really don't know because I didn't start to look for job opportunities yet. However, I think my work experience back home will count more when applying for any job. I don't think it will be easy for those who haven't any work experience and are international students.
For the first year me and my husband could only afford a basement, in a overall it was a decent price if compared to the rents value. Now we are living in a apartment, which is a little bit more expensive. My husband is the one working to pay the bills
I took the IELTS Academic back in Brazil. I am bachelor in International Relations back in Brazil as well.
Honestly is the only thing that I don't have any complaints about. They promote good experiences to the students through these events. Even international celebrations for international students they have. So it is a really good point to celebrate and to know other cultures.
They are extremely high to international students and i don't agree that we have so much return on it. The life for international students is to hard and expensive. The tuition makes it harder. Anyway, we were aware of that before start.
No. No scholarship neither financial aid.
Examination Structure
Depends on the lecture. Some of then are only multiple choice questions, other are only long/short answer questions. So, it really depends on the lecture, it is not the same for all of them. Anyhow if I could choose, I better go with the 100% MCs exam.